DSI Case Studies

Security Tech Firm Scores 1,200%+ ROI with DSI

Case Study from DSI

A global leader in augmented identity and security technology chose DSI to conduct their much-needed Dependent Audit. They were quickly surprised by our effectiveness and the substantial return on investment.

Security Tech Firm Scores 1,200%+ ROI with DSI


This immense security technology firm didn't consistently enforce dependent eligibility as they didn't have a uniform way of checking dependents. There was the usual announcement during Open Enrollment, but that was it. They were sure they needed some extra help, so they asked DSI for an expert solution.

DSI sees significant ROI's with every client, so we sometimes forget that it's a big deal for our clients to experience. With ineligibility rates creeping higher, we can almost guarantee a substantial ROI these days. And our latest client was no different.


DSI quickly went to work crafting a strategy to reach all 1,137 employees to let them know about the audit and the additional working spouse attestation they would need to complete. This communication strategy included letters with branded hand-stamped envelopes and colored ink to increase open rates. Most audit providers skimp on the extra effort, but DSI finds that these little tricks increase results exponentially.


The project was a resounding success, with an overall participation rate of 95.34%. We found 4.48% of dependents ineligible for benefits saving the company well over $390,000 a year. Our Customer Service team also worked carefully with employees to ensure they knew everything they needed to do to comply with the project without negatively affecting the company's morale.

Project Stats

Inbound Phone Calls
Average Answer Time (Seconds)
Average Call Length (Minutes)
Documents Reviewed
Total Participation
Callers Requested Spanish
Passive Removals
Voluntary Removals
Total Verified
Email Response
(1 Business Day)
Voicemail Response
(1 Business Day)
Client Return
on Investment (ROI)


DSI brought actual savings to our client using a sensitive and efficient method crafted over a decade of conducting Dependent Audits. From the letters we mail to how we speak with employees over the phone, we've optimized every aspect of our Dependent Audit operation and can bring results to our client's door without any extra noise or disruption for HR.

This client was no different; real savings using our sensitive solution.

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Better Service. Better Support. Better Results.

With a fully customizable suite of services, DSI brings industry-leading results to Dependent Verification projects of all sizes.
Request a proposal today and get the results you need without harming employee morale.

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