Since 2007 we’ve verified the eligibility of millions of employees, and we continue to grow every single year.
DSI exceeds all vendors in project customization, employee engagement, and employer tools.
See for yourself.
We communicate with employees in proven ways that get results
Tailor all communication elements to meet your company’s unique needs
Start your next verification project with confident, defined timelines
DSI has a dedicated team focused on meeting all your verification needs
DSI leads the way in personal, not computerized, accurate verification
Sympathetic, sensitive and respectful support ready to help your team
"DSI was brought into our project midway through an attempt to do our own dependent audit in-house. They blew us away with their best practice advice and knowledge of predicting what would work for our employees. In less than a month they seamlessly took over, reached our associates, processed countless documents we were behind on, and managed to push participation over 95%!"
"We’ve been with DSI for over three years. Their level of service and consistency is among the best, if not the best, of all of our carrier vendors."
For over a decade DSI has been a national leader in audit best practices. Through innovative communication strategies and our proprietary technology we deliver clients improved compliance while reducing waste in spending.
Request a demo today to discover what DSI can do.