A councilman in Los Angeles made news when the city charged him with several counts of fraud, including covering an ineligible dependent on the health plan.
Drawing on 14 years of Dependent Audits in every industry, here are the four most prominent incorrect assumptions groups (and sometimes their brokers) believe.
DSI continues to seek opportunities to save even more for our clients. That's why today we're proud to announce that we're adding Medical Claims Audits.
Unfortunately, some employers create unnecessary noise and confusion with their employees because they make one of these five critical mistakes.
At DSI, we've conducted hundreds of audits over the last decade and have extensive data to support an audit over the Summer. Here are our top three.
Some employers seem to find an excuse not to conduct an audit altogether, which risks their company millions in benefits costs. Here are our top three.
The pandemic led to more employers adopting DEV for the first time, higher response rates, and earlier responses from employees. We've unpacked why.
Worried about employee morale or receptiveness to Dependent Eligibility Verification during the war on talent? Follow these essential rules for a safe project.
Because DSI now offers a COVID-19 Vaccine Verification solution, we thought we'd share our 5 best practices for any vaccination verification project.
Attempted ineligible dependent enrollment is at an all-time high. What is causing this surprising spike in ineligible dependents? We got to the bottom of it.
Dealing with an ugly renewal? Consider a Dependent Audit, as many do, to increase savings and recoup added spending brought on by recent healthcare changes.
Can a Dependent Audit lead to romance? It happens. Here is just one recent incident that shows what DSI sees many times each year.
To help us best answer the COVID-19 question, we've broken our recommendations down based on the current status of your client's Dependent Audit.
This important period maximizes employee participation and also minimizes any downstream noise. Use these best practices for a successful verification project.
In early 2018 a large health system uncovered $50M in risk through their employee Supplemental Group Life plans. Learn how you can avoid this risk today.
Over the course of a decade DSI has conducted hundreds of Dependent Audits, and along the way we’ve had some chuckles at the fails of our clients.
More than ever before, employers are choosing a vendor well in advance of OE. Here are our Open Enrollment Tips for announcing a Dependent Audit.
Being on the front-lines of cost-containment gives us a unique perspective. We noticed more than a couple missteps made when submitting a Dependent Audit RFP.
Brokers and Consultants frequently ask whether some geographies or industries are better for dependent audits than others. Dive into our data.
A new trend is gaining traction in the employer benefits space, discover what this benefits trend is and how it can save you or your clients millions.
There are a number of reasons an organization should think twice before combining open enrollment with a Dependent Audit. Here are our top six.
Considering a Working Spouse Provision? Click here to learn about the Working Spouse Survey and how it can determine whether or not you need a Provision.
Everyone can be a leader. To get you started, I'm highlighting some critical leadership skills that we all must nurture to be the best leaders we can be.
In this post, we explore why it's essential that organizations look for leadership traits among everyone on the team no matter who they are on the ladder.
Customer Support makes or breaks a business and any company that doesn’t value it is wasting time and money. Here's how to hire the best.
To help you and your team become more comfortable with a Spanish Language Dependent Audit, we've compiled this list of best practices with Spanish employees
On the show, Friends, Ross and Rachel’s relationship twists and turns provide an outstanding backdrop for a lesson in Dependent Verification. Check it out.
Dependent Audits have the potential to be disruptive to organizational morale. Here's your moral obligations to your employees during a dependent audit.
What does the insurance agency of the not-so-distant future look like? What can we expect in the coming year for our businesses and our customers? Read on
What do you need to get the top CHRO jobs out there? Here are five important characteristics to keep in mind when gunning for that top spot.
What are the top CFO concerns this year? This survey of 650 top financial executives paints a revealing look at what keeps them up at night. Check it out
Public Sector Dependent Audits are way easier than they sound. By following these six tips, your Public Sector Dependent Audits will go smoothly.
Six pieces of advice we learned after nearly a decade of union dependent audits. Consider these before launching dependent audits in your unionized team.
From company culture to data driven management, these leadership articles are sure to help you become well-rounded. Let's dive in and check them out.
DSI has been given a broad variety of reasons for not moving forward with a Dependent Audit. Here are our favorite seven dependent audit objections. Enjoy!
Check out our domestic partner infographic! We surveyed our clients to explore how they intended to communicate the domestic partner coverage change.
In the weeks since the SCOTUS ruling, DSI has been carefully tracking Domestic Partner coverage trends among existing and new clients. Here's what we found.
We've rounded up the latest leadership posts that everybody is sharing so you don't have to go searching for that bit of insight that will make a difference
For any HR or Benefits leader considering a dependent audit, these are important factors to consider in crafting a Dependent Audit Communications strategy
For too long, the dependent audit industry has been stuck in the “Plan Year Paradigm.” Learn why we're sorry and how we're making up for it, here.
Ineligible dependents impact employers and employees. Based on hundreds of conversations with our clients, here are the top 5 dependent audit benefits.
An unfortunate bi-product of a complicated health care system is the practice some brokers and consultants have of spreadsheeting dependent audits vendors.
Commitments are important. And at DSI, we get it. We do. And we’re here to make Dependent Verification easy for employees. For years, DSI has been assisting
Learn what rescission is, how PPACA has forced most companies to abandon rescission altogether, and what you can do to prevent ineligible claims and expense
Our critical ingredient in providing appropriate, delicate, patient customer service during a dependent verification audit is our believe in the Golden Rule
A blunt education for brokers who need to know how vital dependent audits are to a company's health. Learn about Dependent Audits by clicking here.
A dependent audit can be difficult. Learn how to conduct dependent audit verifications without negatively impacting employee employee morale.
It’s no secret that employee loyalty is not what it used to be but you have no idea about the dirty dependent pools you're working with. Learn more here.
Here are the 4 Biggest Dependent Audit Misconceptions. Check out the DSI blog and you may find that some assumptions will surprise you. Continue reading.
DSI provides customized, professional and proven Dependent Verification Solutions without harming employee morale.Request a proposal today and experience the DSI difference.